Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Freaky Fitness

I recently posted my fitness results on Facebook and I'm starting to get a lot of questions about how I toned up and made myself healthier. Now, I realize there are a lot of different products, theories and crash diets out there but none of them are going to be a long-term improvement. Sure, you might lose 10 pounds for your wedding or high school reunion, but if you're just trying to lose weight to impress other people-- stop reading here.

This process has been so much more than losing weight for me. It's been about reinventing my lifestyle. I want to start with some boring statistics about what drove me to make a change. 

Obviously, we know that obesity rates are mind-blowing in the US. 30% of Americans are obese. That's not even the worst part.. a whopping 45 million infants and children (ages 0 to 5) are overweight or obese, and that number is predicted to climb to 70 million by 2025. This statistic is what changed my life. 

According to who.int,

"Obese children are more likely to develop a variety of health problems as adults. These include: 
  • cardiovascular disease
  • insulin resistance (often an early sign of impending diabetes)
  • musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis - a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints)
  • some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon)
  • disability."
Looking at these statistics should set off a red flag in the minds of adults. Children often form the same eating/exercise habits as their parents/guardians. As adults, we need to be setting an example for younger generations. 

Do not set your child up to be unhealthy, that's unfair, selfish and wrong. 

So, what I'm here to do is provide workouts, (no gym membership required but I do suggest buying a set of dumbbells) healthy recipes, Advocare information and answer any questions. 

Here's the first workout.. Full-body. Quick and high intensity.
If you have questions about how to do one of the workouts, post questions and I can post videos :)
I'll be posting Day 1 workout today. Tune in tomorrow to see Day 2

(Treadmill, track or outside)
5 minute brisk walk on (no incline)
2 minute jog (speed 6 or higher on treadmill)
3 minute brisk walk (with incline 3+)
2 minute jog (no incline)
4 minute brisk walk (with incline 4+)
3 minute jog (with or without incline)
4 minute brisk walk (incline 5+)
3 minute jog (no incline)
4 minute cool down walk

Walking lunges (16x3)
Dumbbell Plank-Row (16x3)
Kettle Bell/dumbbell Swing (10x3)
Tricep Pushup w/ kickback (10x3)
Plyo Lunge (16x3)
Row and twist (8 each side x2)
PliƩ Jumping Jack (15x3)

Lindsay T.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Change the Face of Feminism

Why I Hate What Feminism Has Become

Oh, I bet that got your attention
Women everywhere are scowling at their computers, hovering over the "X" in the corner of the screen.
Before you jump to conclusions, though, let me explain: I'M NOT WRITING THIS TO BE TRENDY. I'm not writing this to say that the concept of feminism isn't a substantial cause. 

According to Webster's, the definition of "feminism" is as follows:

"the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."

I wish I could rewrite the definition. I wish I could make it less petty; less belligerent.
Do I want and deserve to be treated like the beautifully intelligent woman that I am?
Absolutely. So you know what I'm going to do to make dang sure that happens?
I am going to embody strength, dignity, love, intelligence and wit in every step that I take.

I'm not going to stop shaving my legs,
I'm not going to pound on my chest at the sight of a coworker's failure,
I'm not going to lay the burden of my hostility on the shoulders of men.
I refuse. 
Why, you ask?

Because the issue isn't about gender anymore, the issue is about a lack of moral integrity and a giant barrier between patronization and acceptance.

Men don't have to give up their dignity in order for women to gain it.
That's simply not how it works. 

I'm so sick of hearing women say things like "All men are pigs."
No, seriously. I actually get offended at the sound of that sentence rolling off of tongues like it's second nature.
 I have two brothers, a father, a boyfriend and many dear friends who resemble nothing of the sort. 
In fact, I only surround myself with people who better me. People who engage me in intelligent, meaningful conversations. People who challenge me to love deeper and reach further. And guess what, my friends? You better believe that half of them have dangling anatomy.

Feminism took a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be a competition. 
When did it become essential to have a "winner," anyway? 
I'm not talking about it an "everybody gets a trophy" kind of way.
I'm saying, why is it that in order for somebody to succeed, somebody has to fail?
This movement was created so that women could gain justice, and I'm 100% on board.
What it's become, though, is a series of stabs that only promotes the prejudice behavior that we're trying to demolish.

From a marketing standpoint, we need to fix this.
In a world where ignorance has butchered the word "feminist," it's time to take a different approach and start portraying truth about our capabilities through the way that we LIVE. Through every ounce of our being.
 THAT'S how we get justice.
 I'm not saying it's wrong to be a voice and advocate for what's right and wrong, but I certainly don't think it's necessary to tear other people down in the process.
 And no, that wasn't what it was ever supposed to be.. But that's what it's become, like it or not. 

Just to be clear, I want more than anything for my daughters to grow up in a world based on NO type of prejudice. And the way to make that happen is to provide a non-judgemental, free spirited, and loving environment and know that we can steer humanity toward equality by exemplifying it in the way that we live. 

It's about more than being a man or a woman. Heck, you get to choose which you are now anyway!
(Too soon?)

But seriously, it's about equality. It's about acceptance. It's about LOVE. 

Lindsay T.